Crunchy Pumpkin Spice Balls

One of our favorite seasonal finds is Kraft Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows. You can usually only find these in stores during the Fall season, but if you can't find them to use in this recipe you can substitute regular marshmallows and 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice mix.

These are a favorite with kids and adults alike, and the kids can decorate them any way that they wish.


1 bag (8 oz) Pumpkin Spice Mallows
3 Tablespoons Butter + 1 Tablespoon for handling mix
5 Cups Crispy Rice Cereal
Tootsie Rolls
Orange Food Coloring


In large saucepan melt butter over medium heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat and add food coloring to make the desired color. Add in cereal and stir until completely coated.

Use the remaining butter and put it on your hands to keep the mixture from sticking to them, scoop out some of the cereal mixtures and roll it into a ball. Place on cookie sheet and form to look like a pumpkin, and make a small hole in the top.

Take a piece of the Tootsie Roll and roll it to look like a stem, and attach it to the top of the ball. You can also decorate them to look like a Jack O Lantern, or any other way that you want to decorate them.

Makes approx. 24 pumpkins


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